Digital Collections

The Cromwell Belden Public Library offers free downloadable audiobooks, e-books, movies, and music for all Cromwell residents. All you need for access is your library card.

Have any questions about the resources below? Give us a call or stop by the front desk so we can assist you!

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Hoopla Digital
Audiobooks, e-books, movies, TV shows, and music albums on demand - no waitlists.

Libby by Overdrive
Libby (by Overdrive)
Audiobooks and e-books available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Streaming for movies including popular, foreign & independent films, documentaries, and educational resources.

Kanopy Kids
Kanopy Kids
Movies and TV shows for kids with no monthly limits. Use the separate Kanopy Kids portal to make sure that your child is only browsing kid-friendly content.

The Palace Project
The Palace Project
Coming Soon! The Palace Project is an app that will allow digital access to the State Library's collection of e-books. While still in development, this app currently offers free access to over 10,000 open-license e-books.