How do I appeal my assessment?

Real Estate, Personal Property, Supplemental and Future Motor Vehicle assessments are appealed to the Board of Assessment Appeal’s Board in February. These petitions must be submitted and received in the Assessor’s Office on or before February 20th, of each year. Postmarks are not honored and if the Assessor’s Office is closed on February 20th the petition must be received on the prior business day. Meetings are schedule and will be heard in March.

Motor Vehicle bills that have been issued in July may also appealed in September of the same year. Please review the Board of Assessment Appeals page for requirements for all appeals. Real Estate and Personal Property assessments cannot be appealed at this time.

All Board of Assessment decisions are final and need to be appealed, within 60 days of the Board’s decision, in Superior Court.

It is the responsibility of the appellant to prove and support why their assessment is too high. “My taxes are too high” is not a reason to have an assessment reduced.